# Platforce-API lib

Be sure to add the Platforce-api.js into each HTML file (slide):

As illustrated above, Platforce_MPA_home.html must contain

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../external/Platforce-api.js"></script>

Platforce-api.js has a list of methods to be used for standard and custom KPI:

  • platforceInitMpaKpi(chapterId, slideId, slideName)—calls on slide HTML loaded event, to initialize the component monitoring for proper data collection. Pass the chapterId, slideId, slideName string values with your current position on the presentation.

Example for the Platforce_MPA_home.html slide with the jQuery lib connected:

<script type="text/javascript" id="customs-js">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        platforceInitMpaKpi('main', 'Platforce_MPA_home', 'Home');

Platforce CRM uses its own two finger swipe system between slides in one chapter. So, if you have a linear-structured presentation with a list of slides, you can add them into one chapter.

To navigate from one slide in chapter A to another slide in chapter B, call:

  • platforceOpenChapterForPresentation(chapterId, slideId)—a method that redirects user to a new slide page, where chapterId and slideId must be IDs of the future chapter and slide that are also defined in strcuture.js.

    Example of the menu for each slide HTML file in the presentation:

<a id="home" onclick="platforceOpenChapterForPresentation('main', 'Platforce_MPA_home');"></a>
<a id="link1" onclick="platforceOpenChapterForPresentation('main', 'Platforce_MPA_guidelines');"></a>
<a id="link2" onclick="platforceOpenChapterForPresentation('main', 'Platforce_MPA_BD_and_Cal');"></a>
  • platforceTrackCustomData(label, value, options)—a method that allows you to track custom KPI data. Here:

    • label—a title or detailed information about what you collect.

    • value—the exact value to track.

    • options—additional information for custom data in JSON format.

    Example of custom KPI tracking of the opening References and PI pop-ups on the Platforce_MPA_home.html page:

<div id="btnA" onmousedown="platforceTrackCustomData('Ref clicked', true);"></div>
<div id="btnB" onmousedown="platforceTrackCustomData('PI clicked', true);"></div>
Last Updated: 1/28/2025, 8:02:29 AM